I needed to let God to "whack" me in the face. These are the daily results in the life of Wade as I get Whacked by God! Yes, whacks can be good :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the One I follow

Puling up in the turn lane on Gunn to turn onto Linebaugh can be a little of a wait. As it was this morning. I crept up the lane ever so patiently but I was distracted by many things in these few moments. Mostly in my mind but also changing a CD and trying to find some trash on my floor to wipe some snot onto (gross!). But amongst this I noticed that the woman behind me could tell I was distracted and not keeping my eyes where they need to be (I'm not positive on that, but that was my conclusion to my observation). There are two lanes to choose from on Linebaugh. I chose the far right as did she. But as soon as she could, she got over into the left. She probably didn't feel too comfortable behind me. I wasn't being a good leader.

This made me think about what it means to be a good leader. I know that I want to be like the One I follow and I should be the example of my Leader to others who might follow me.


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