I needed to let God to "whack" me in the face. These are the daily results in the life of Wade as I get Whacked by God! Yes, whacks can be good :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Icing on the cake

Mmm, Root Beer...

Yesterday was cool. It was my mother-in-law's 50th birthday! Happy birthday, Karen. Naomi wanted to make her Zuppa Tuscana and a bake her a cake but realized her birthday was on Tuesday and not on Wednesday like she thought (this was on Monday...). So, me being the house-husband that I am (and desperatley seeking any approval from good works from her) volunteered to take on these two tasks while she was at work.

Gulp! What did I get myself in to? I can cook... a little. But a fancy-smancy soup and bake a cake?!!

Needly to say, I accomplished both tasks with flying colors and received the blessings of a job well done from my wife. I'm realizing how important her number one love language really is (which is "acts of service"). When I can do things that are important to her and for our family without having to be told to do so, then I am conquering a major trial of marriage. I beleive God honors that.

note to self: when baking a cake, don't stick it back in the warm oven after applying icing...

I'm once again trying to devote myself to daily Bible reading. It's a hard task. Yesterday I read Hebrews 2, Genesis 46:28-47:31, and Psalms 37.

Today I read Hebrews 3:1-4:13, Genesis 48, and Psalms 38.


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