Wasted Time or Invested Time?
I've always been poor at time management. But it comes from giving in to what my flesh wants. Those desires are always the easiest to do, so they require little effort. Play a video game. Work on the computer. Play a video game.... How about taking 15 minutes from the hackin & slashin, and talk to Jesus. I know you've heard it a million times, but the truth is, our time here is short!
Like this big -> . <- yeah. tiny isn't it?
God, help me to long for you every day. I realize how important it is to take time to hang with you. I must make time to pray more. I know that it's a tool you have given to us. When we pray, you move. I must trust that when I pray, you listen because what is important to me is important to you. Thank you so much for just loving me and being my friend. You are more than deserving of my time. I will invest in you because you have already invested in me. Thanks :)
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