I needed to let God to "whack" me in the face. These are the daily results in the life of Wade as I get Whacked by God! Yes, whacks can be good :)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday (being only 40 minutes into July 31st) was my birthday. I have now walked the earth for 23 years. I'm nearing that quarter century mark. Time is short on earth; I really need to concentrate on what is important; what is eternal. But the one lesson I learned this weekend was this: just because it's your birthday, your one "special day" of the year, it doesn't give you the right to stop being humble and be selfish. Well, I actually tried to be good this year cause I remember being that way last year when Naomi had a surprise party for me at the beach. But I think I did well until this past evening. You see, I received the board game "Risk" as a present from my mom-in-law and sis-in-law. Now it's not just any Risk board game... it's the mack-daddy of all Risk games. It is "Risk 2210". It's set in the future and has a much deeper, expanded gameplay to it. Well, some family friends of ours came over that night who just so happened to love the game as much as I. Needless to say we played for about 4 hours. The selfish part was this: Naomi does not like the game at all. So it was myself, our family friends Chris and Travis, and Karen (mom-in-law). Which left Naomi all to herself for 4 hours. Yeah, we didn't really end untill 11:30pm. I should have called the game off at least at 10. But I chose the selfish way.

Philippians 2:3 says:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

There's no excuse for putting myself first. Even on my own birthday.


Blogger wade said...

thanks a bunch! wanna play Risk?! :-D

9:53 PM


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